Syawal, Salam Perantauan.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

It’s been a while. I miss writing, but lately I’ve been very lazy and that’s not good considering I wasted 10 days of my holidays already. I mean, come on Miya, you can do better than just being ‘lazy’.  Fast forward, I survived my first semester in UNSW. Thank god. It was challenging, but worth every struggle alhamdulillah. Wtv happened, happened. Wtv the future holds for me, I'm ready. (whispers: hopefully.) 

So, today’s 4th Syawal and I have no open houses to go to. Well of course, since I'm not celebrating raya in Malaysia this year. Truthfully, looking at my friends’ photos made me feel so jealous like omg I wish I was there to eat everything! Funny, because four months ago I was the one who insisted not to go home because ‘tak nak bazirkan duit’ and ‘tak rindu rumah sangat’. Well, jokes on me. I spent the whole week before Raya being a complete mess. Those who know me well may have felt weird seeing me like this. Because in KMB, I never felt homesick. But I guess raya is an exception. Besides, bila lagi nak merasa makanan best-best ni kan? I miss my mom’s rendang and soto, that’s for sure. It’s also the month where everyone would gather and spread kindness; no hate, no judge, and kosong-kosong semua. We all make mistakes. I know raya should not be the only time where we would apologize to everyone but sometimes, having a month serving that as the main purpose really plays a significant role in shaping us all as a society. Ada jugak kata many people say sorry just for the sake of budaya, yelah dah raya kan, takkan lah nak buat muka batu and tak minta maaf dgn orang keliling kan? Honestly, I tell you, just reflect upon yourself. Are you being honest or are you just conforming? And really, is there a better time to say sorry? Kita ni kadang- kadang ego, malu. Ego lah sebenarnya. Just man up and apologise, okay? Be it your friends or jiran belakang rumah. Dah dah la tu gaduh. Tak elok… tak manis. And don’t bother about people’s honesty. What matters is yours. If you’re up to be a better person, then don’t let doubts poison your mind, heart and soul. You. Think about you, who you are, what you’ve done and who you’ll become. Sometimes when strangers say “maaf zahir dan batin” to you and you may think, “dah kenapa dorang ni mintak maaf dgn aku sedangkan kita tak pernah kenal selama ni”, it serves for whatever happened in the past, or might happen in the future too. Sometimes we make mistakes at times we never even realize it. Kita manusia biasa je. Kita tak sempurna pun. Just accept and move forward.

So, I went on social media today and I saw someone posting about how he hated this kind of gatherings and how he finds it annoying when people complain about not going back for raya because to him, living the dream life is what matters and his dream life is living the ‘out-of-the-norm’ life. Honestly, please, if that’s what you like then so be it. It’s Syawal; a month of fostering love and compassion among all Muslims. No hate, please? And so what if people complain about not going back? They have that kind of sentiment to Raya celebration, and if you don’t, then best be on your way, brother. You don’t understand what these people are going through. Some people miss their loved ones more than you do. Ada yang mungkin atok nenek dia dah tua uzur, tunggu masa je nak pergi. And as a student studying overseas, you’ll never know if this is their last raya, or your last raya. Kita tak tahu, semua Allah swt je yang tahu. And mungkin ni lah peluang terakhir nak sambut raya sama-sama. Ada orang dah bertahun-tahun tak balik raya, duit biasiswa cukup utk buat makan minum, bayar sewa je. Ada yang family tak mampu pun nak belanja ticket balik rumah, unlike most people. Ada yang family tak dapat nak datang lawat kita kat oversea sbb takde duit. Ada yang takde family pun… Kita manalah tahu kan? :’( So please everyone, be considerate... Where's the love?

 First time raya di perantauan. How do I feel? Sakit, aduhai… hahaha. Family semua duk jauh, but I’m still blessed. I spent my 1st Eid at Malaysian Hall with all my colleagues. It was fun although it was a short meeting. Sampai- sampai dah sibuk nak photoshoot dah semua orang. Makan pun tak sempat. Tapi dapat jugalah merasa makanan kat Malaysian Hall, sedaaaaaaap (dah lapar, mengidam, semua sedap kan? hohoooo).

Habis je pergi Malaysian Hall I was thinking about going back home and sambung mereputz but no, housemates ajak pergi rumah senior lelaki (tak kenal pun, but sokay la janji dpt makanan free hehehehehehhehehe) and maigosh, they cooked nasi kerabu ok nasi kerabu. As a Kelantanese, that’s like HEAVENNNNN. Sedap pulak tu T.T

Then….balik rumah. Baru nak mereput, tetiba teringat housemates nak buat open house. It was a really random idea, and initially I thought it was a joke or something, then suddenly we spent hours of meeting just to figure out what to buy, what to cook, etc. And really, it’s not easy. Duduk pulak negara mat salleh, nak cari gula melaka la kerisik la belacan la daun kesum la, mula la gelabah semua orang, nak cari benda benda tu sume kat mana, semua blur. Haha. I know, y’all be saying ‘duhhhh. Asian market?’ yes, alhamdulillah jumpa juga (walaupun harga dia mashaAllah berlinangan air mata memandang) but sadly daun kesum tak jumpa jumpa jugak. Nasiblah. Issue lagi satu periuk. Mana nak cari periuk besar besar nak pakai sekali je? Maka satu malam itu kami sekawan menelefon semua jiran-jiran tetangga untuk minta pinjamkan periuk and blender besar, plus bonus lagi senduk nak mencedok kuah nanti. It was not my job so I was relaxed, chill je. But I was in charge of making kuah kacang, and I gotta tell you this: it was CHAOTIC. Bertarung dgn minyak memercik dgn sgt brutal nya, OMG minyak, work with me please. But overall it tasted okay so I was a happy whale hayun hayun senduk in the air wiwiwiwiwiwiiiii.

So 2nd Eid happened. One word: PERFECTION. I never thought organizing our very own open house would be this fun! Although most people who came are those I never know of, but those whom I know made my raya sooooo soooo much better. Ada Mek, Bella, Ezlan, Nigel, Alip, Rifdi, Burn, Farish, Stizz, Den and my juniors kesayangan. Sounds like not much but they made my day, really. Although I did wish the others were there too, like Audy, Anwar, Syahira, Elis, Iqma, etc etc… But I’m sure they’re having fun at home too with their families. Nothing beats home, really.

ok meet mak jemah dan mak senah, y'all

with the legendary forsyth oppas. missing the other 2.

juniors kesayangaaaaaan. miss them so much.

Miya dgn peace sign nya berpisah tiada --'

and there's ezlan daripada jadi photographer tetiba masuk gambar sekali hahaha

It’s a wrap then! Alhamdulillah. About 90 people came and we successfully nailed it. Everyone said the food was great, and I’d like to thank Rifdi too sbb tlg bawakan meehoon tomyam mak dia masak, which was soooo yummy. I miss 2nd Eid already and I guess that’s the beauty of celebrating raya at perantauan. Yes, it’s hard not to go back. It’s painful to even listen to raya songs without remembering those who we love so dearly. It’s upsetting to know they’re together and you’re not there to join them. Yes. It might not be the same as celebrating raya at home with your family, but celebrating it with your friends can be great too. If you can’t find joy in the greatest things, remember that happiness can also be found in even the smallest things. And sometimes joy comes at times when you least expected it. 

For that, I would like to thank everyone who came the other day and I wish everyone is blessed with a wonderful and heartwarming Syawal. As a wrap of my raya post, a word to all muslims out there, sama-samalah kita hayati bulan mulia ni by trying to become a better person than who we are today and never stop spreading love and kindness to everyone around us, now that the world needs it most.

Next Syawal, should I stay?


sekian. miya salzihan